Icon of Chat: Circle blue bubble with three dots inside


Publish your Custom Chat on the Web

You can easily share Custom Chat on the web without sharing a spreadsheet. You can publish Chat as a separate page or widget.

1. Navigate to the ChatGPT tab within Websheet AI.
2. Click on the three-dots menu (⋮) at the top.
3. Choose "Manage Web Chat" from the dropdown menu.
Now, you can manage web chat.
Publishing Web Page
Publishing Web Page
Name of your chat: The link URL will be created based on this name.
Password: To ensure the security of your chat page and protect your balance, it is essential to set a password. However, spreadsheet editors can access the chat page without the password. If no password is set, the chat page is public and accessible to anyone.

Enable chat page: Activate and Save to create a chat page. Deactivate to unpublish.

Chat Config: opens _Chat sheet with config.

Reset Chat Config: reset _Chat sheet to default.
Set up Chat Widget
Set up Chat Name and Password, and then click to the Embed Code.
Set up Chat Widget
At the Domain URL, paste your website domain, save the changes, and copy Embed Code, then paste this code to your website.